When selling your property there is more than just renovating your property to increase the value of your property, you will require valid compliance certificates which is required by law before your matter is registered at the Deeds Office.

The compliance certificates can be obtained after the signing of the offer to purchase, which specifies what compliance certificates is required for that specific property, it is the seller’s responsibility to ensure that their house is legally fit for sale. 

One of the conditions of the bond to be registered over the property is that the valid compliances are in place and this is requested by the bond attorneys attending to the registration of the bond.

Should we not obtain the required compliance certificates on time this can delay the transfer and put the sale at risk.

The electrical compliance certificate and the gas certificate are required under national regulations and the other certificates is required in terms of the municipal by-laws which is the water certificate required in Cape Town and the beetle certificate required for Coastal properties.

The following are the necessary certificates:

  • Electrical Compliance Certificate

The certificate must be issued by a qualified and registered electrician which includes a report confirming that all the electrical installations on the property comply with the prescribed standards of safety.

This certificate covers the distribution board, all wiring as well as earthing and bonding of all metal components, it will cover the socket outlets, light switches and all isolators for fixed appliances, it does not cover any fixed appliances such as the Geyser, stove, fans or underflooring.

The certificate is valid for two year from date of issue.

  • Electrical Fence Certificate

An electric fence certificate will confirm that the electric fence installation complies with the Occupational Health and safety Act and only a registered electric fence installer can issue the certificate.

This certificate is valid for two years from date of issue.

  • Water/Plumbing certificate

The City of Cape Town introduced a local by-law in terms of Section 14 of the Water By-Law which certifies that the water installation on the property is in line with the municipal and building guidelines and must be issued by a registered and qualified plumber.

  • Gas certificate

The gas certificate is to confirm that the gas components are safe and in a working condition and is leak free and that it complies with the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

This certificate is valid for five years from date of issue and must be issued by an authorised person who registered with the Liquified Petroleum Gas Association of South Africa (LPGAS).

  • Beetle certificate

The beetle certificate is mostly required by the coastal areas, mostly Western Cape and Kwa-zulu Natal which is prevalent with certain beetles that eat and destroy wood structures.

Although it is not a mandatory requirement it has become standard practice that the seller provides the buyer with beetle clearance certificate and has become a written condition in the sale agreement.

The certificate is only issued once the property has been inspected and is free of the wood borer beetle and is valid from three to six months from date of issue.

The new regulations set out above might have made the sale a bit more complicated but it ensures the purchasers that the property is in good working condition and has no hidden defects or costs when it comes to electrical, fence, gas, water and beetle infestation.